
Saturday May 27, 2023
Simon Elmer
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
Simon Elmer is a writer, researcher and former art lecturer whose essays at his Architectsforsocialhousing.co.uk website provided some of the most incisive, on-the-money critiques of Covid fascism and its aftermath. His essays are collected in two volumes Virtue and Terror and The New Normal. He chats to James about everything from the intellectual and moral corruption of academe to the insane propaganda promoting war with Russia.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpole
Support James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpole
Buy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpole
Earn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Sunday May 21, 2023
Miriam Elia
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Miriam Elia is the Royal College of Art trained illustrator and writer of the hilarious Ladybird spoof series which includes We Do Lockdown, We Go To The Gallery and We See The Sights. You can purchase her books, cards, prints and ceramics at Dungbeetlebooks.com. Elia talks to James about her (successful) legal battle with Penguin books, fighting the lockdown, Judaism, the history of Baal worship and much more besides. You're gonna love this one!
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpoleEarn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Saturday May 13, 2023
Richard Gallagher
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Richard Gallagher, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist, is a professor of psychiatry at New York Medical and a psychoanalyst on the faculty of Columbia University. He graduated from Princeton University, Phi Beta Kappa in classics, and trained as a resident in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. The world's foremost scientific expert on the subject of diabolic attacks, he has been an active member of the International Association of Exorcists since the 1990s. He lives in Westchester, New York.
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.comand use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpoleEarn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Thursday May 11, 2023
Dick Delingpole
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
It's no-one special, just Dick! Back from his oriental jollies, James catches up with his brother.
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.comand use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpole
Earn money on gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Sunday May 07, 2023
Keith Weiner
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Most people regard gold as a dry asset, to lock away in a vault, incurring storage fees. Many are waiting for it to rise in price. Keith and Monetary Metals are on a mission to change this.
Earn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.com and use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpole

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Thinking Slow
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
James catches up with Alex from 'Thinking Slow'. Discussing who is and who isn't 'the real deal', who promotes themselves via by 'paid-for bots' and how do we know if someone is genuinely 'controlled opposition'. Alex's analysis builds an agenda to oppose the totalitarian system that is rapidly being constructed with the aim of pushing through the Great Reset. Exposing the dangerous plan that could crush the liberty of the citizens.
Please support Alex and his team's work here:https://www.patreon.com/ThinkingSlow
Follow Alex on twitter:https://twitter.com/ThinkingSlow1
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.com and use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpoleEarn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Dan Tubb
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Dan Tubb spent 20 years as a Venture Capitalist & Asset Manager in the City before retiring in 2020 just in time to watch the world go completely mad. He was so enraged he started appearing on podcasts & radio to discuss western governments reckless actions including their economic self-destruction. Dan then joined Lotus Eaters as podcast host and for his own series Brokonomics which separates economic facts from the torrent of mainstream BS.
Give Dan a follow on twitter:https://twitter.com/Kingbingo_
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.com and use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpoleEarn interest on Gold: https://monetary-metals.com/delingpole/

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Danny Rampling
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Danny Rampling is a top international DJ, freedom fighter and founder of the legendary late 80s club night Shoom, which gave birth to the Acid House scene and, arguably, the entire global dance phenomenon. He talks to James about failed ambition (he wanted to join the Parachute Regiment - after getting his red beret), unexpected success and why he's he's convinced we are going to beat the encroaching tyranny.
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Hunter and Gather are a real food and supplements brand, simplifying optimal healthy living for all through a great tasting, award-winning range of products all free from gluten, refined sugar, and inflammatory seed oils.
Head to www.hunterandgatherfoods.com and use code TDP10 for a 10% discount off your order.
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Freedom isn’t free - James needs your support to continue creating The Delingpod. There are many ways you can show your support to James:
Support James monthly at: subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpoleSupport James’ Writing at: substack.com/jamesdelingpoleBuy James a Coffee at: buymeacoffee.com/jamesdelingpole